
Analysis: How thermobaric bombs work (Source BBC)

This is a report on new kind of weapon in Afghanistan to strike at cave complexes. By BBC Defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus, published on 4 March 2002.

Abstract: The United States is using a new kind of weapon in Afghanistan to strike at cave complexes where al-Qaeda and Taleban fighters may be hiding. US officials have acknowledged that they have used at least two of the so-called thermobaric weapons in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan.

Amnesty International, November 2006 Report (Italian)

Following the end of the hostilities, Amnesty International delegates again visited both countries for further research and discussions with officials. As a result, the organization issued two publications covering some aspects of the conflict. In August it published Israel/Lebanon: Deliberate destruction or “collateral damage”? Israeli attacks against civilian infrastructure.

Amnesty International, August 2006 Report (Italian)

This report in Italian is entitled "Israel/Lebanon: Deliberate
destruction or “collateral damage”?" ("Israele/Libano: Deliberata
distruzione o danni collaterali?")

Conclusions of the report regarding the use of weapons

14. Use of weapons

Report of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Lebanon

Abstract: The Council should take the initiative to promote urgent action to
include cluster munitions to the list of weapons banned under
international law. The Council should request the relevant
international bodies, including the Meetings of States Parties to the
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain
Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects and to the Convention on the Prohibition
of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel

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